Festival FAQ’s

Opening hours

Garden open times vary depending on the garden, but most gardens are open between 9:00am-5:00pm.  To find out the exact opening and closing times of the gardens you plan to visit please refer to our programme.


Not all gardens in the festival are wheelchair, pushchair or mobility scooter friendly.  All gardens that are highly accessible will have this logo next to them in our programme or online directory. If you have questions regarding accessibility to a garden, give them a call.


Other than service dogs, animals are not permitted into private gardens.  Some public gardens listed in our programme do allow dogs to enter, but only on a leash.  Please contact the individual gardens in question to check on their policy.

Food and Drink

Some of our festival gardens have tea and coffee facilities available.  Any garden that has this facility available will have a tea cup logo against them.


Children 12 years of age and under are free entry with a paying adult.

Lakes, Rivers and Ponds

Some gardens have large bodies of water on the property. A river/lake or pond, should there be one, will be identified on signage at each garden entrance.  If you are visiting one of these gardens and have small children with you, please be aware of your small garden companions at-all-times.

Smokefree Venue

All parks, outdoor areas, gardens and venues are Smoke Free.

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