Permaculture Food Forest

Permaculture Food Forest

with Dee Turner – Mitre 10 Garden Speaker Series

Take a walk around a permaculture urban food forest with gardener and teacher Dee Turner. 

Learn how you can combine fruit trees, fruiting crops, perennials, root crops, bulbs and climbers into an enhanced foodscape that feeds itself.  

Dee has done away with the conventional orchard and mowing. Instead, she grows plants in guilds around her fruit trees to feed them, keep bugs away and obtain a yield at the same time. Herb and edible groundcovers grow where grass once was, as well as alpine strawberries in profusion. Productive self-seeders sow themselves every season and perennial root crops don’t need planting every year. 

There’s always food to harvest all year round with minimal weeding and pruning – a great solution for a busy lifestyle. 

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